Aboriginal Employment Program

BRHS has maintained its commitment towards improving Aboriginal health, employment and training outcomes to ‘Close the Gap’ in disparity with the non-Aboriginal population.

BRHS aims to increase our level of Aboriginal Employment through a range of measures including:

Continuing and building on our Aboriginal and mainstream trainee programs

Engaging with prospective job and training candidates in the local Aboriginal community including through local job network providers and employment programs

Fostering a continued increase of mainstream applications from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community

Exploring funding options and opportunities for other employment and training schemes including work experience, vocational and tertiary student placements, cadetships, graduate and intern programs

Building supervision and mentoring capacity and BRHS

Developing and embedding Cultural Awareness training

Supporting career development and training opportunities of our current Aboriginal workforce

Continued participation in conferences, workshops and other stakeholder engagement relevant to Aboriginal training and employment.

Indigenous employment opportunities are advertised on our vacancies page.

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