The latest information on COVID testing, vaccinations and changes to regulations at BRHS.

Page updated 21/05/2024 at 11.50pm

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information

For all detaiuls on COVID-19 cases, vaccinations and testing, and tips on wearing masks and staying healthy, go to the Victorian Department of Health’s Better Health Channel.

COVID vaccinations
are available through local GP clinics and pharmacies. Go to the Commonwealth Government’s COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Finder website to locate your nearest vaccination centre or go to the Better Health Channel.

Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits
are now the primary way that COVID-19 cases are identified so that we can minimise the spread of the virus.

Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits are available for purchase at local pharmacies.

Free RATs are not available from the Bairnsdale Regional Health Service or the East Gippsland Shire.

What if I test positive to COVID-19?

If you test positive with a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) it’s no longer necessary to confirm that result with a PCR test.

Positive RAT tests are now considered official by the government.

For most people who test positive for COVID-19, recovery at home is the best care option.

People with disabilities

People with disabilities can contact BRHS for information on access to COVID-19 services in the Bairnsdale Region. Phone the Disability Liaison Officers on 5150 3384 or email on weekdays between 8.00am and 4.00pm.


Current Visiting Regulations (Hospital)


Visiting hours are between 9am to 7pm each day.

BRHS has announced new, temporary visitor recommendations that aim
to keep our patients, residents and staff safe amid high COVID-19 infection
rates in the East Gippsland community and are as follows

  • Visitors are recommended to wear a mask when attending the hospital (available at entrances).
  • Community members with appointments for services are recommended to wear a mask when attending the hospital.
  • Visitors are not to attend the hospital if you have tested positive to COVID-19 or have any respiratory symptoms.
  • Community members who have an appointment and have tested positive to COVID-19 or have any respiratory symptoms are asked to ring prior to attending the health service.

Masks are available at entry to the hospital or otherwise on request at each department.

We thank you for your cooperation in helping to the East Gippsland Community safe.

If you would like to enquire about exceptions, phone and ask to speak to the ward on which your family-member is staying.

To phone BRHS Main Reception: 5150 3333.
To phone Maddocks Garden: 5150 3659.

Current Visiting Regulations (Maddocks Gardens)

Residents of aged care facilities can now have unlimited visitors per day. Visitors need to be mindful of social distancing. Visiting hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am to 3.45pm and weekends 9.00am to 3.45pm.

Visitors must be fully vaccinated or return a negative result from a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) taken at Maddocks Gardens. If visitors are not double vaccinated, they may still enter but will need to return a negative result from a RAT and will have to wear full PPE.

People who have tested positive in the past 7 days should not visit care facilities.

People who have had close contact with positive cases in the past 7 days should not visit care facilities.

People who have been tested for COVID-19 and have not yet received their result, should not visit care facilities.

Visitors should wear a face covering.

For more information about visiting aged care facilities in Victoria please read the latest guidelines from the Department of Health.

Guidance for visitors to hospitals and care facilities COVID-19 – 7 November 2022

COVID-19 and Surgery at BRHS 

Testing before your surgery

COVID-19 and Surgery at BRHS 

Testing before your surgery

Pre-surgery coronavirus (COVID-19) testing is performed for all patients and carers requiring admission to Surgical Services at BRHS.

Ideally, pre-surgery testing is carried out as close as is practicable to your surgery or procedure date, usually on the day of your appointment.

If you are scheduled to have a surgical procedure at BRHS, including colonoscopy and gastroscopy, our staff will phone you to discuss the appropriate time and location for pre-surgery Rapid Antigen Testing.

Please note this information is changing frequently, it is important to check this website regularly for updates.

Please call our Surgical Services reception on 5150 3308 with your pre-surgery COVID-19 testing enquiries.

Carers and support people

A carer or support person is permitted to attend your appointment with you and will also be screened and COVID tested on the day of your procedure.

If you need to bring a child who is not a surgical patient into the Surgical Services department, please phone ahead to check if children are permitted at the moment because this may depend on the age of the child. Visitor permissions are changing frequently and according to Department of Health advice.

If you have had COVID-19

If you have had COVID-19 at any time in the last 3 months, or if you still experience health problems as a result of having COVID-19 please call our Elective Surgery Booking office on 5150 3662 and ask to speak to a nurse.

To keep you safe and to reduce the likelihood of complications from surgery and anaesthesia, we are carefully following recommended clinical guidelines.

Our elective surgery nursing team will be able to advise you of the next steps.


Information about coronavirus and general health information for people who have difficulty reading, people that are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have a speech impairment, people with a disability, and non-English speaking people, can be found at

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