
Freedom of Information

Bairnsdale Regional Health Service (BRHS) provides the public with access to both their medical records and those of their relatives as required under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

The object of the Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act) is to extend as far as possible the right of the community to access information in the possession of agencies (eg. Ministers, State Government departments, local councils, most semi-government agencies and statutory authorities, public hospitals, universities, TAFE colleges and schools).

BRHS is a prescribed authority (or agency) under the Act, which gives people the right to access documents of an agency, subject to some specified exemptions.

BRHS is committed to making information about BRHS and documents held by BRHS readily available to the public via our website, through internal administrative access processes and via Freedom of Information processes.

Request for health and medical records

Access requests for health and medical information held by BRHS are handled under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and the Health Records Act 2001.

You will be asked to put your request in writing and provide proof of your identity. Requests made on behalf of another person must be made in writing and include evidence of their authority to act on behalf of the other person.

Requests for information may include:

  • copies of medical records
  • summaries of medical records, or
  • time of birth.

Access to your information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 sets out your right to access your medical record and personal information held by BRHS. If you would like access to your Medical Record, you can contact BRHS’s Health Information Department on (03) 5150 3333.

Privacy of Information

BRHS is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information and we work hard to embed a respect for privacy into our culture.

  • We are required by law to protect personal information and comply with the Health Records Act 2001 and other information relating to confidentiality and privacy.
  • In accordance with Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, we are also required to publish certain statements relating to our functions, processes and documents held: Freedom of Information Statement 11 – Publication of Information
  • Strict guidelines are followed in relation to the collection, use and storage of personal information with only appropriately authorised staff having access to your information.
  • Our focus is always on providing you with best possible treatment and care and we only gather personal information that is necessary to achieving this.
  • Your permission is required before we will share your information with others including your family members and other health professionals (such as your GP or specialist). There may be times however where we might be required to release information to assist with your care without first obtaining your permission for example, in an emergency situation.
  • You have the right to access your medical record and personal information held by the BRHS.

Making a Freedom of Information request

If you wish to obtain information from BRHS that is not publicly available, your request for access must be submitted in writing to:

Attention: The Freedom of Information Officer
Bairnsdale Regional Health Service
PO Box 474
Bairnsdale Victoria 3875

or via email at

All requests should be made in writing and for clarity accompanied by a completed Freedom of Information Application Form outlining the document(s) you require, plus the prescribed application fee.

Freedom of Information resources:

Freedom of Information Application Form

Freedom of Information Brochure

The Department of Health also provides an overview of the Victorian Health Records Act here.

Application Fee

The application fee for Freedom of Information Requests for the financial year beginning 1 July 2024 is $32.70.

The application fee can be paid by Cheque or Money order (made payable to BRHS) or in person at our Day street reception to:

If you feel you have grounds to waive the application fee (e.g. if payment of the fee would cause financial hardship), please state your reasons in writing via email to and provide any evidence that you believe supports your claim, such as a valid Health Care Card. You will be notified whether your hardship claim has been accepted.

Additional charges associated with requests may include:

  • Photocopying – 20 cents per A4 page, and
  • Supervision (enabling you to view your record rather than receive a printed copy) – $5 per quarter hour or part thereof

As required under the Freedom of Information Act, requests will receive attention as soon as possible but not later than 30 days.

Need more information?

If you have further questions or would like to request access to your information, contact the Chief Health Information Manager on 03 5150 3333.

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