We offer a range of Community Health services from our Ross Street campus.

Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Our Cardiac Rehabilitation service is suitable for people who have had chest pain (angina), a heart attack,   angioplasty, stents, heart surgery or other heart conditions.

We also offer a Pulmonary Rehabilitation program that combines exercise with education for people short of breath due to lung conditions such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis or COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).

Continence Advisory Service

Because bladder and bowel problems can be difficult and sometimes embarrassing to live with we have specially trained nurses and physiotherapists to help people manage the problem better. A specialist doctor is also available for people with complex problems. This service can help you learn how to control your bladder and bowel better.

Continence Waitlist Criteria:

Level 1 – seen within 30 days.

Level 2-seen within 365 days

Diabetes Education

We provide Diabetes Educators to help people with diabetes learn how to look after their own health.

The educators can see anyone with diabetes and their families, whether newly diagnosed or previously diagnosed with diabetes, including women who develop diabetes during pregnancy and people at risk of getting diabetes.

Diabetes waitlist Criteria:

Level 1 – seen within 30 days

Level 2 – seen within 365 days

Women’s Health including a McGrath Breast Care Nurse

The Women’s Health service is run by specially trained Women’s Health nurses.

They see women and girls of any age to answer their questions or worries about any women’s or sexual health topics.

The nurses also do Pap Tests and health checks for women.

We are pleased to be able to provide a McGrath Breast Care Nurse as well who sees people with breast cancer to support them during their journey with advice, information and liaison with other health providers.

Planned Activity Groups

Planned Activity Groups provide a friendly place to share a meal, catch up with friends or make new ones, and enjoy a range of activities that can assist with better health and well-being. BRHS hosts Planned Activity Groups Bairnsdale, Buchan, Lindenow and Paynesville.

People under the age of 65 who are not eligible for NDIS can still attend Planned Activity Group sessions at a subsidised rate through the Home and Community Care Program (HACC).

For more information about Planned Activity Groups, call 5152 0277 or 5152 0276, or email

Some features of BRHS include:

  • 52 Acute Beds
  • 19 Sub-Acute Beds
  • Modern Theatre Suite
  • High Dependency Unit
  • Day Procedure Unit
  • Oncology/Medical Ambulatory Day Unit
  • Dialysis Unit
  • Emergency Department + Short Stay Unit
  • Palliative Care
  • Maternity Services
  • Aged Care Facility
  • Allied Health Services
  • Medical Outpatient Services
  • Home-Based Services  including Hospital in the Home, Community Health and a CBD campus.

Got Something To Say? We're Listening.

If you have a compliment, a complaint, or a suggestion on how we can improve our service, we’d like to hear it. Use our feedback form to send us your message.