Inpatient Rehabilitation
Our rehabilitation service is designed to help you gain the best possible level of independence following surgery, illness or accident.
Our rehabilitation service is designed to help you gain the best possible level of independence following surgery, illness or accident.
The service incorporates our Geriatric Evaluation and Management service.
Our priority is to work with you to achieve your previous state of independence.
Treatment Program
Each patient has an individual rehabilitation plan which includes regular assessment meetings.
During these meetings your progress will be discussed and the formation of goals for you to achieve will be set.
As part of your therapy program we encourage a more communal atmosphere than in other areas of a hospital.
We encourage people to wear their normal street clothes and to dine and socialise with each other in the centrally located dining room.
During your stay in our rehabilitation ward, you will be supported by a team of professionals including:
Clinical team leader
The clinical team leader is a medical practitioner and heads the rehab team and is responsible for your ongoing medical care. The team leader will liaise with your own GP and any other specialists involved in your care.
Rehabilitation Nurse
The rehabilitation nurse will implement your ongoing care and participate in the formation of goals that will increase your independence and be of relevance to your lifestyle. These goals include such things as nutrition, assistance with dressing techniques and psychological support and education.
Occupational Therapist
The occupational therapists help with assessment and retraining in personal care.
They do this by assisting with physical and cognitive functioning.
They devise activities that will improve your memory and concentration.
Before discharge they will make sure that you are as safe as possible with community activities.
They will check your home to see if any modifications are needed (shower chairs, over toilet aids ,wheelchair access and much more).
Speech Pathologist
Speech pathologists will help people who have difficulties in the use or understanding of words and sentences.
They specialise in helping people with problems reading and writing.
An important part of their job is seeing people who have problems swallowing food or drinks after a stroke or a major illness.
A dietician will be available for general dietary advice and to provide information specific to your illness.
Social worker
The social worker provides support and advice for yourself and your relatives. Counselling and advice is provided regarding personal relationships, emotional adjustments and financial problems.
The social worker can also supply information about hostels and other accommodation arrangements.
The physio is an integral part of a rehab team.
They work with patients addressing issues of mobility.
The unit has its own fully equipped gym.
Under the supervision of a physio movement retraining and exercise programs are implemented.
The need for aids such as walking frames is assessed by physios.
Koori Hospital Liaison
Our Koori Hospital Liaison Officer (KHLO) provides social, emotional and cultural support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and their families, and helps make sure they understand the hospital system.
Discharge planning
Discharge planning is commenced upon arrival at our rehabilitation ward.
This enables our care to evolve in line with your needs.
Any issues that need to be considered will be discussed openly with you and your family by the rehab team.
- 03 5150 3333
- 122 Day St, Bairnsdale VIC 3875, Australia