BRHS’ maternity service welcomes hundreds of babies each year.

BRHS’ maternity ward has two birth suites available to be occupied and one assessment room. The unit is staffed by a specialist team of midwives, GP obstetricians, lactation consultants and visiting specialists who work together to provide you and your baby the highest quality of care.

For the period 1 March 2024 to 31 August 2024 there were 119 births, which equates to 0.64 births per day.

For the period 1 March 2024 to 31 August 2024 there were 824 antenatal assessments.

Currently, there are 176 maternity bookings for the period from 1 September 2024 to 28 February 2025, which represents a projected birth rate of 0.9 births per day.

We are extremely proud to be an accredited Baby Friendly Health Initiative (BFHI) hospital, and to be seen as a leader in infant feeding practices.

We are committed to protecting and promoting the health of women and their babies through the encouragement and support of breastfeeding.

Key features of our service

  • You can choose your preferred GP Obstetrician (GPO).

  • The team of BRHS midwives will manage your pregnancy, labour and postnatal care collaboratively with your GPO.

  • The hospital maternity antenatal services are offered from our CBD campus at 183 Main Street, Bairnsdale, and the labour ward at the acute campus on Day Street, Bairnsdale.

Getting started

Once you have visited your doctor to confirm your pregnancy, contact BRHS to make an initial appointment to access our hospital maternity services, ideally when you are 14 to 17 weeks’ pregnant.

This very important booking and planning visit is where you are allocated a team and primary midwife for your pregnancy, birth and postnatal care.

As part of the planning visit, we take a detailed history so that we can plan the safest and best possible care for you and your growing baby.

This involves organising a schedule of care depending on your needs and may include a combination of appointments with midwives, GPO, specialist obstetricians, dietitians, physiotherapists and social workers.

Childbirth education and ‘Positive Pregnancy’ appointments

We can book your childbirth and breastfeeding classes at this time. We can make extra Positive Pregnancy midwife appointments for women who have had previous caesarean births or who may need healthy dietary and lifestyle change advice.


Breastfeeding resources

See our breastfeeding page for a range of information and supports to help you on your breastfeeding journey.

Domiciliary services (home visits)

Once you return home with your baby a midwife will contact you and arrange a home visit.

We maintain this contact for up to two weeks, however this is flexible depending on individual needs.

We also have midwife appointments available on Tuesdays at our CBD campus for women who may be experiencing postnatal breastfeeding difficulties, or who may need extra support and advice.

Our midwives work in consultation with your Maternal and Child Health Nurses during the early weeks when you are home and we are able to contact your Doctor on your behalf if required.

Additional Information and Resources

There is a wealth of information available about pregnancy and childbirth. We recommend that you read the below information that is available online. Please speak to your midwife if you require brochures on any of the information.

Movements Matter
Understanding your baby’s movements during pregnancy.

BMI and baby gestation calculators
Calculate your Body Mass Index and Pregnancy Due Date by using the following government approved online calculators:

Raising Children –
The Australian parenting website: comprehensive, practical, expert child health and parenting information and activities covering children aged 0-15 years.

Infant Hearing Screening Program –
A hearing screen is one of the routine health checks your baby will have soon after birth.

Newborn Screening –
Newborn screening is a program that identifies babies at risk of having rare but serious medical conditions that can affect normal development.

Listeria – The facts –
Advice for pregnant women, the elderly and anyone with suppressed immunity.

Breastfeeding Confidence –
Learn the basics of breastfeeding. A free breastfeeding e-book is available on the Australian Breastfeeding Associations home page.

Adult Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis –
This vaccination is recommended for adults before planning pregnancy or for both parents as soon as possible after birth.

Whooping Cough Vaccine –
This vaccination is recommended for parents and family members as soon as possible after the birth of your baby.

Quit Victoria –
The Quit Victoria website provides extensive information on the impact of smoking when pregnant as well as the impact of secondhand smoke on your children’s health. Click on the Reasons to Quit tab. Also click on the “I have some questions” tab for further information.

Alcohol Consumption Guidelines –
If you are pregnancy or breastfeeding the safest option is not to drink alcohol. There is a 24-hour National Breastfeeding Helpline on 1800 MUM to MUM or 1800 686 2 686.

Antenatal and Postnatal Depression –
Beyondblue provides extensive information on antenatal and postnatal depression. You can also read the excellent booklet titled “Emotional Health during Pregnancy and Early Parenthood” from the Antenatal and Postnatal Depression page. The info line (1300 22 4636) provides information on depression, anxiety and related disorders, available treatments and referrals to relevant services.

FreeMOM Labour Pain Mgt System –
This is a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation device designed to assist in the relief of pain during labour, after-birth pain, sleep after delivery and lower back pain.

Paid Parental Leave –
The Paid Parental Leave scheme is available for working parents of children born or adopted from 1 January 2011.

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If you have a compliment, a complaint, or a suggestion on how we can improve our service, we’d like to hear it. Use our feedback form to send us your message.