Surgical services

Our Surgical Services team provides care to the community in preparation for surgery and immediately after surgery.

If you’re having surgery at BRHS in the near future, we’ll test you for COVID-19 via a Rapid Antigen Test on the day of your surgery.

If you’re having surgery at another hospital, you should contact them to make sure you know what their testing requirements are.

Surgical specialities we offer:

  • General Surgery
  • Urology
  • Gynaecology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Endoscopy
  • Gastroenterology
  • Vascular
  • Ophthalmology
  • Dental

We also manage many emergency and urgent cases, usually on a daily basis.

If you believe you require surgery, please see your local doctor who will provide you with a referral to the appropriate specialist.

A consultation appointment will be arranged first, usually at the BRHS Consulting Rooms.

If you have questions about your Consulting Rooms appointment, please phone the BRHS Consulting Rooms at 5150 3478.

Bookings and Waiting List

The Elective Surgery Bookings and Waiting List team consists of nurses and administration staff who manage the surgical waiting lists and schedule surgery.

If you have questions about the waiting time for surgery, your surgery date, or if you need to change your surgery date or are unavailable for a period of time, please phone the Elective Surgery Bookings and Waiting List office at the number listed above.


The Pre-admission Clinic nurse and doctor assess, prepare and inform patients in preparation for surgery.

Blood tests and x-rays are requested by the pre-admission doctor.

The pre-admission staff shares the assessment information with the anaesthetist and the surgeon.

If you have any questions about your surgery or your medications leading up to your surgery please call the pre-admission clinic at the number listed above and ask to speak to a nurse.

Not all patients are required to attend appointments at our Pre-admission Clinic.

Patients are notified if a pre-admission appointment is necessary.

If you believe you require a pre-admission appointment, please phone the Pre-admission Clinic and ask to speak to a nurse.

Day Procedure Unit

The Day Procedure Unit receives and admits all patients on the day of their surgery.

If you are having surgery, please present to the Day Procedure Unit at the arranged arrival time.

If your surgery is a day case procedure you will also be discharged from the Day Procedure Unit.

If you wish to know if someone is ready for pick up please phone the Day Procedure Unit on 5150 3316.

Patient Information – Brochures and Information Sheets

Before you have surgery at BRHS, there are a number of important pieces of information you must read.

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