Staff Pitch In From All Areas to Handle Record COVID Testing Surge

Well, what a day that was.

A new positive COVID case connected to a primary school in Lakes Entrance saw a sudden surge in the demand for COVID testing yesterday.

And, as they have been doing for many months now, BRHS staff responded immediately to meet that demand, drawing on the resilience and flexibility of staff to make sure those who needed a test got one.

Expanding our usual testing times by an additional four hours, BRHS COVID testing team did 153 tests in the day, the vast majority of them schoolchildren.

It was a single day record for COVID testing at BRHS.

We were only able to serve this many people because staff in all areas of the health service put their hand up to help.

Despite high demand in their own work areas, staff from Nursing, Rehabilitation, Education, Disability Liaison Services, Allied Health, Supply, Environmental Services and Administration all pitched in by training up to do testing, or taking on whatever additional tasks were needed.

Though days like this are challenging, they remind you of how great it is to be part of a team so committed to helping this community, whatever it takes.

Thank you to all staff for such a terrific effort, yesterday, and any day.

And thank you to all those who waited patiently in line. Fingers crossed for lots and lots of negative results.

Remember – your best defence against COVID is to get vaccinated!

Book your appointment now by visiting

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