Patient Fees

Eligible (including Reciprocal Health Care) and Ineligible Patient Fees 

Fees for ineligible patients (not covered by Medicare including overseas patients), are set to achieve full cost recovery.

Some overseas patients are entitled to financial assistance (reciprocal health care agreements).

Circular 23/2009 addresses which countries have reciprocal health care agreements with Australia.


Ineligible Admitted Patient Fees

Patient ClassificationAccommodation Fee Rates for 2023-24
Medical same day*$1,250 per day
Medical overnight / Rehabilitation per day*$1,500 per day
Obstetrics Vaginal/Caesarean – total fee$5,500 / $12,000
Surgical – total fee (Contact CFO and HIM urgently)NWAU cost x $6,032
Hospital in the Home per day*$800 per day
Prosthesis$ cost recovery

* The following items will be separately charged to the fee listed above:

  • Medical Imaging

Ineligible Emergency Department Fee

Ineligible for Medicare patients attended to in the ED only will be charged a fee of $600 per attendance (Note: This is inclusive of the facility fee but excludes diagnostics, which should be charged separately).

Ineligible Outpatient Fees

Outpatient TypeFee
Allied Health/antenatal/ postnatal/home nursing care$138.70 per hour
Emergency attendance$600
Specialist consultationStandard fee

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