Baubles for Babies fundraiser a lifesaver for BRHS

Give a gift that might just save a life in Bairnsdale Regional Health Service’s maternity unit – a virtual Christmas tree decoration.

The Gippsland-based Newborn Intensive Care Foundation is running its Baubles for Babies appeal, and as usual foundation chair Peter Cursley guarantees that all funds raised in the Bairnsdale region will stay in the Gippsland region.

Mr Cursley said the Baubles for Babies takes the form of a virtual Christmas tree. People make donations to buy a bauble to decorate the tree.

“Baubles for Babies is a fun-raiser, if you get my meaning. People can go online and choose a bauble from $20 all the way up to the star at the top, which is $2000,” Peter said.

“They have the ability to upload a photo of a loved one, or a photo for someone they have lost. They can post a message. It’s a great opportunity for businesses, because they can put their logo there.

“And, of course, all the money raised locally stays in this area.”

This year, Baubles for Babies is raising money to purchase an I-STAT blood analyser, a portable, hand-held device that can test for a range of conditions that may affect newborns without the need to wait for pathology results.

NCIF chair Peter Cursley

BRHS Chief Executive Officer Vicki Farthing thanked the NICF for its ongoing support for the maternity unit.

“We are so grateful to the NICF and all our community fundraisers. The equipment and equipment maintenance that they support make a big difference to our health service,” she said.

“That support helps us to provide even better care for people across East Gippsland. It saves lives. It means so much to our staff to know that the community is right behind the important work they do.”

Baubles for Babies runs until 31 December. All donations are tax deductible. To see the virtual tree and donate, go to

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