Month: October 2021

COVID Commander Jeroen Weimar Applauds “Extraordinary” Effort of BRHS Staff

Jeroen Weimar, Commander of the Victorian Department of Health’s COVID-19 response, visited Bairnsdale Regional Health Service (BRHS) today to thank staff for their outstanding commitment to protecting this community during the Coronavirus pandemic. “The resilience and determination healthcare workers have shown over the past two years is just extraordinary,”

“More Pelicans Than Traffic Lights” – How This Regional Health Service Is Putting “Life” Into “Work Life Balance”

The term “work life balance” might be in danger of becoming just another meaningless corporate buzz phrase. Until you actually see it in action. When you talk to the BRHS Surgical Services team about what they like about living and working in East Gippsland, “life” and “balance” are two

Living With a Disability? There Is Help For You to Access the COVID Vaccine

If you or someone you care for is living with a disability, there is a staff person at BRHS dedicated to helping you access local health services, including getting the COVID vaccine. Earlier this week the Victorian Government announced $5 million in funding to improve access to COVID Vaccination