#StrongerTogether – Allied Health Team Celebrate Their Collective Strengths!

Allied Health Professionals Day is Thursday 14 Oct., and all this week there’s some fun activities happening over in the Allied Health building.

The theme of Allied Health Professionals Day this year is #StrongerTogether, and Allied Health Clinical Educator and Exercise Physiologist Rebecca Durie has fully embraced that theme with a series of strength-based activities related to each of the different Allied Health disciplines!

The games kicked off on Tuesday with “towel scrunching,” an exercise that Physios and Podiatrists use to activate foot muscles after a foot or ankle injury.

Later in the day there was a grip strength contest, which was won by Social Work Team Leader Patrick Horgan.

Grip Strength is a measurement used, particularly by Hand Therapists, to measure strength.

The prize – a tub of hand putty used therapeutically for improving strength in hands!

Everyday this week there will be an opportunity for you to check your strength using outcome measures that can be appropriated to each Allied Health discipline!

All staff are invited to get involved in the fun!

Swing by the Allied Health dept., or reach out to Rebecca at ext. 66690

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