Paynesville Hospital Auxiliary Donates $9,000 to Infant Resuscitaire Campaign

Though its numbers may have shrunk over the years, the Paynesville Hospital Auxiliary still continues to do powerful work for this community.

Last week the five members of the auxiliary, Heather Hoskin, Elsie Hoskin, Marian Wilson, Ann Bloomer and Allie Stanton, donated $9,000 toward the purchase of an infant resuscitaire for Bairnsdale Regional Health Service’s Emergency Department.

“We read the story in the Bairnsdale Advertiser about Bake for Babies and the infant resuscitaire, and we all felt that this was something we really wanted to support,” said Ann Bloomer.

The Bake for Babies campaign, which was organised by the Newborn Intensive Care Foundation, aims to raise the $32,000 needed to purchase the Giraffe Warmer Infant Resuscitaire, which provides emergency resuscitation therapy for babies born facing a fight for life.

Emergency Department Nurse Unit Manager Trish Young and Association Nurse Unit Manager Alex Trimnell met with the auxiliary ladies outside the hospital last week, to thank them for their very generous donation.

“For such a small group of volunteers to be able to raise and donate this amount of money is just incredible,” Trish said.

“Having an infant resuscitaire always available in the ED can literally be a matter of life and death for little babies who need urgent medical attention. This donation will help save lives.”

The Paynesville Hospital Auxiliary raised the $9,000 by selling crafts, gifts and food at the monthly Paynesville Farmers’ and Makers’ Market.

If you’d like to meet the ladies and learn more about the wonderful work they do, drop by the market and say hello.

Members of the Paynesville Hospital Auxiliary with BRHS ED Nurses Trish Young and Alex Trimnell. Photos: Jake Lynch/BRHS

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