Learn more about the benefits that you can receive as a member of the BRHS team.

With a dedicated Quality and Education directorate, we have a committed learning and development team that specialises in staff development.

We have a strong focus on innovation and quality improvement, and we provide array of new learning opportunities to help you develop your career.

Our employee development programs include:

  • extensive professional development opportunities including paid professional development and study leave
  • annual scholarship opportunities to assist you to pursue further qualifications
  • annual manager and emerging leader development program
  • tailored graduate programs to support recent graduates consolidate their skills
  • an annual post-graduate studies support program
  • an annual review and development program that supports your learning and progression.
  • internal advancement, multi-skilling and succession planning opportunities
  • opportunities to join committees and working groups that interest you, and
  • the Monash School of Rural Health and Medical Health Library, which is located on-site.
  • As a public sector organisation, your employment at BRHS is supported by strong public sector employment principles and governance.
  • Extensive salary packaging benefits through Maxxia to maximise your take home pay including:
    • salary packaging of eligible expenses
    • meal and entertainment card
    • novated vehicle leasing options, and
    • salary packaging of remote rural housing (conditions apply)
  • Leave benefits that leave most other industries behind, including:
    • a minimum of 5 weeks’ annual leave with a 17.5% leave loading (under most Enterprise Agreements)
    • generous personal (sick/carers’) leave accrual
    • long service leave that accrues at 1.73 weeks a year compared with a standard 0.866 weeks per year, and
    • a range of other paid leave for community service activities or emergencies such as special disaster leave or family violence leave.
  • Scheduled annual wage increases.
  • Access to corporate gym memberships for a range of local fitness centres.
  • Healthy choices cafeteria including free herbal tea, kiosk and vending machine.
  • Smoking cessation support including free nicotine patches for staff who choose to quit.
  • Access to health insurance corporate rates.
  • Free annual influenza vaccination program.
  • Bike racks and bathroom/shower facilities to help you to ride to work.
  • Free access to the local tennis courts.
  • Participation support for local corporate sporting competitions including tennis, squash and volleyball.
  • Individual and team exercise and cooking challenges.
  • A comprehensive Employee Assistance Program, providing confidential counselling sessions for staff and their family.
  • Free and confidential one-on-one appointments with an on-site psychologist.
  • A new “quiet room” space with lounges and massage chairs so you can unwind
  • Regular staff events and initiatives supported by our Positive Health and Employee Wellbeing (PHEW!) committee including:
    • learn a new skill sessions such as card making, cheese making, propagating and photography
    • health promotions such as Men’s and Women’s Health Week, Ride to Work Day, R U OK? Day, World Kindness Day and skin safety awareness campaigns
    • exercise and cooking challenges
    • the BRHS book exchange and book club, and
    • the monthly issue of the Flourish wellbeing magazine.
  • Free health and wellbeing seminars.
  • Workplace Support Officer Program that provides peer support.
  • Occupational violence and aggression training for front-facing staff and code responders.


  • Flexible working arrangement options that:
    • assist parents and carers
    • support transition to retirement
    • offer part-time and casual contracts
    • enable working from home, and
    • support people with a disability.
  • Monthly accrued days off.
  • A purchased leave scheme that allows access to an additional 4 weeks of leave per year.
  • Compressed working weeks and self-rostering.

 NB: The above options are dependent on eligibility as per employee contract and role/department.

BRHS is committed to maintaining and enhancing an environment that supports diversity, equity and inclusion. 

  • Our 2022 staff survey showed that our employees represent a diverse range of ethnic backgrounds, with at least 33 languages other than English spoken by our staff.
  • BRHS is on Gunaikurnai land. We are deeply committed to Closing the Gap with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. BRHS has a specialist Aboriginal Health Unit and our grounds include Aboriginal art spaces and an Aboriginal garden with bush tucker, medicinal plants and art. We host community events for NAIDOC Week, Close the Gap Day and Sorry Day.
  • BRHS is committed to achieving gender equality in our organisation. We have developed and are implementing our Gender Equality Action Plan. Through our Positive Health and Employee Wellbeing (PHEW!) committee, gender diversity and inclusion is promoted and celebrated with a focus on events such as IDAHOBIT and Wear it Purple Day.
  • BRHS has a Disability Action Plan and is committed to meeting the diverse and individual needs of people living with a disability. BRHS has recently partnered with Get Skilled Access to participate in the Inclusive Healthcare Program that is designed to provide disability education and awareness to health service staff.
  • BRHS has a variety of nominated charities that make it easy for staff to donate to via their pay and enjoy tax benefits.
  • Regular donations of goods to community services (most recently we collected pre-loved athletic shoes to donate to a local accommodation provider).
  • The BRHS Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026 outlines our organisational Mission, Purpose and Principles of Care. We are committed to providing the highest level of safe, effective quality care to the people of East Gippsland, delivered with compassion and kindness for every individual, every time. Our Principles of Care are Quality, Integrity, Communication and Kindness.
  • We offer a personalised and detailed orientation and induction program to support your transition to BRHS.
  • We have a strong reputation for being a collaborative and friendly workplace with a positive and professional culture.
  • Employee recognition programs including daily acknowledgements at tier meetings by managers, appreciation cards from the executive and individual and team rewards.
  • An on-site barista that does the best coffee this side of Chapel Street.
  • Free car parking.
  • Attractive gardens and grounds with outdoor areas to sit, eat, socialise and unwind.
  • Annual staff events such as joint lunches with barbecues, food trucks and entertainment.

Information for International Candidates

Information about living in East Gippsland 

For more information, email people.culture@brhs.com.au

Got something to say? We're listening.

If you have a compliment, a complaint, or a suggestion on how we can improve our service, we’d like to hear it. Use our feedback form to send us your message.

Information about our Graduate and Student Nursing Programs is at brhs.com.au/graduate-nurse-programs/

To learn more, reach out to our Education team at education@brhs.com.au or 5150 3617.

You can also hear directly from some of our recent grads about their experiences at BRHS.

Bairnsdale Regional Health Service (BRHS) will facilitate the placement of 10 interns each rotation.

This team will comprise of:

  • 2 BRHS interns in the region for the full year of internship;
  • 3 Rural Generalist Year 1’s (RG1s) in the region for the full year of the internship; and
  • 5 Eastern Health interns that rotate to BRHS each rotation for the 10-12 weeks.

See the links below for more information.

BRHS Internship Programs.

Victorian Rural Generalist Program

Eastern Health Internships.

A range of grants and incentives are available to health professionals interested in working in rural and regional areas of Australia.

As per the Australian Government Remoteness Area Classification system (ASGC-RA), Bairnsdale Regional Health Service is situated in an area classified as Outer Regional (RA3) which meets the criteria for access to many grant and incentive programs offered by the Australian Government.

Click on the links below for further information:

Victorian Rural Generalist Program

Rural Health Workforce Australia

Rural Workforce Agency Victoria

Australian Government Department of Health

BRHS offers a comprehensive work experience program for local students to gain valuable knowledge about careers in health.

Student information sessions and tours of the hospital campuses are also available by appointment.

Our work experience program is offered to East Gippsland Secondary School students who are currently undertaking year 10,11 or 12.

These students are provided with the opportunity to observe and participate in the daily activities of a variety of departments.

BRHS circulates a calendar each year to Careers Coordinators of participating local schools with their designated dates and quotas for work experience students.

Requests for work experience outside of these specifications must be directed to the BRHS People & Culture Department for consideration.

In the interest of providing appropriate supervision and a meaningful work experience placement for students, BRHS is unable to guarantee a place to all work experience applicants.

How to apply:

If you are interested in a career in the health industry, please discuss your areas of interest with your school Careers Advisor.

For work experience enquiries or applications, your Course Coordinator should contact our People and Culture Department on (03) 5150 3637

BRHS has maintained its commitment towards improving Aboriginal health, employment and training outcomes to ‘Close the Gap’ in disparity with the non-Aboriginal population.

BRHS aims to increase our level of Aboriginal Employment through a range of measures including:

Continuing and building on our Aboriginal and mainstream trainee programs

Engaging with prospective job and training candidates in the local Aboriginal community including through local job network providers and employment programs

Fostering a continued increase of mainstream applications from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community

Exploring funding options and opportunities for other employment and training schemes including work experience, vocational and tertiary student placements, cadetships, graduate and intern programs

Building supervision and mentoring capacity and BRHS

Developing and embedding Cultural Awareness training

Supporting career development and training opportunities of our current Aboriginal workforce

Continued participation in conferences, workshops and other stakeholder engagement relevant to Aboriginal training and employment.

Indigenous employment opportunities are advertised on our vacancies page.

Traineeships are regularly advertised at BRHS in a variety of health and business support areas.

A traineeship or apprenticeship at BRHS is an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience with the largest employer in East Gippsland and be paid while completing your formal training qualification.

How to Apply:

Traineeships and apprenticeship vacancies are advertised on our vacancies page.

For more information, please contact People and Culture on (03) 5150 3637

BRHS acknowledges a commitment to the ongoing development of the region’s health workforce through our graduate and student programs.

BRHS currently has a partnership Federation Training for Registered Nurses and Enrolled nurse undergraduate and post graduate training.

We also partner with Eastern Health for our medical intern program.

Student placements for undergraduates are provided in Nursing, Medical Imaging, Aged Care and Allied Health disciplines in partnership with a variety of universities, TAFEs and training providers.

These partnerships support the development of our health professionals and provide exposure to working in a rural setting in the public health sector.

Our Student Placement Program is planned with consideration to service delivery requirements, supervision capacity and the learning objectives of the student.

How to apply:

Applications to undertake a Student Placement are organised between the student’s training/educational institution and BRHS.

For Student Placement enquiries or applications, the student’s Course Coordinator should contact our People and Culture department on (03) 5150 3637.

BRHS acknowledges a commitment to the ongoing development of the region’s health workforce through our student programs. 

Student placements for undergraduates are provided in Nursing, Midwifery, Medicine, Allied health Sciences and Therapies, Aged and Community Care, Health information management and Allied Health disciplines in partnership with a variety of Universities, TAFEs and Registered Training Organisations.

These partnerships provide exposure to working in a rural setting in the public health sector and support students to gain the qualifications and experience they need to provide high quality healthcare.

Our Student Placement Program is planned with consideration to service delivery requirements, supervision capacity and the learning objectives of the student. Students are required to meet pre-placement requirements before commencing placement.

How to apply:

Requests to undertake a Student Placement are organised between the student’s Education Provider and BRHS and generally requested via the Department of Health’s Placeright system. Once a Relationship agreement between the education provider and BRHS is established the requesting, booking and accepting of students is maintained through the Placeright portal.

For Student Placement enquiries or applications, the student’s Course Coordinator should contact our People and Culture team on (03) 5150 3637 or our Learning Support & Development Unit on (03) 5150 3651 or education@brhs.com.au.
